

‘SOTO, not only gives me the opportunity to share my knowledge and empower the next generation, it gives me a platform to continue to dance and grow’

Emilia, SOTO Co-founder

Dance for me is the most spectacular form of art that has helped me keep my sanity and without it, I wouldn’t know where I would be today. It is my way of escaping the world I’m in to be in the world that I want to be in; a world that I can create with each movement. When I close my eyes and dance, I am at peace.

Richard Appiah-Sarpong

Dance has always been a huge part of my life. I started dancing at two years old and I was hooked. SOTO dance has helped me grow both emotionally and as a performer. They have given me the second family I thought I would never have and everyday I can’t wait for the day to be over just so I can do to SOTO & dance.

Holly Gibson, 

’I came to dance to put structure into my life. When I dance I eat well. It’s only when I don’t dance that everything else in my life deteriorates. More importantly it’s been a way of channeling my creativity, one which I am certain can be found in all people, but they haven’t been as successful as to find a way to express it. Dance for me is a guide to finding a means of expression that no other form of art could achieve. Dance is the most powerful use of the human body’

Nat Mackie

SOTO is so much more than a dance company. The staff really understand young people – what motivates them, what excites them. and what gets them down. As a result the place becomes a home away from home, where kids feel sale to explore their potential, make really strong, supportive friendships, and also to share their worries. But it goes even further than that. For my daughter, SOTO started as somewhere she could exploit her passion- dance, and it was wonderful to see her grow in confidence, and skill. She would do anything not to miss a class — each one was the highlight of her week. But when she reached a more difficult time with her emotions, and school and home become difficult places to be, SOTO was also her sale space, where stall listened and supported her, and she felt tree from judgement. l have been overwhelmed with the extra help she has been given, with regular mentoring sessions and dedicated revision lessons to help her find her feet again. The dedication and kindness from Emilia and her team is min blowing, and way beyond anything I’ve ever come across before.

Deborah Costello

Ellie was very shy and introverted before she
joined SOTO. Since she started her lessons with them Ellie has grown in confidence and
enthusiasm. She is not afraid to perform and show all that she has learnt. She has been encouraged to not be afraid and to try new things.

Diana Montoya

I cannot praise highly enough the work you are doing. I’m full of admiration for your positivity, enthusiasm and total dedication to the young people in your care. We experienced the positive results within my own family. And the social, emotional and fitness benefits of your work. Thank you all.

Marilyn O'Connor

In all my years in primary education, i have never seen a class so engaged, so energised, so free. And this in a discipline that usually provokes fear! A charismatic and skilful delivery combined with an empathetic manner guarantee that children not only make progress but do this while having the time of their lives.

Sam Clark